Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Importance of College

Most people think college is very important and that it is a necessity to get really far in life. Most people also think college is very expensive and find it very hard to pay for and that seems to be the biggest factor for people not going to college. People who go to college tend to make $20,000 more a year than people who don't go to college, but student loans can make it harder to pay other bills and  to get a home. I also think college gives you more than just an education I believe it teaches you to work with other people, how to live on your own and how to be in a professional environment. It also teaches a lot about work ethics which is a very important thing to know in a work environment. If you have good work ethics then you will be a much more valuable person than someone without. The article I read was really great and you can see it here which I would recommend.

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